Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pomp and Circumstance

Good morning, everyone!
Looks like I'm getting behind again.
I am still editing the laundry pictures. It seems I have very limited time right now.
Ugh...and the heat has been ridiculous.

But, I wanted to share some pictures from my daughter's graduation.
We hosted an art gallery showing for the party. She has been
taking multiple art and fashion classes for years so we thought
a showing might be fun.

The students got to pick their own group of 4 to sit
they all got to spend the ceremony with friends and receive
their diplomas right next to friends.

It was soooo muggy and misty that morning.  All the bleacher seats were wet...glad we
remembered to take some towels.  See what nice things that does to curly hair?
Here is Sara and her best friend, Taylor.

Now it's time to party. 

My husband built this custom bi-fold display. It's pretty cool actually.
He framed out two big pieces of peg board by making
channels in some 2x2s and using wood glue to attach them.
He screwed the corners together for support and added
hinges so we could stand it and it would support itself.
The masks we tied in place with fishing line.
The other artworks we used pegboard hooks and they worked beautifully.

And we can re-use the pegboard in the garage. 
She displayed some of her awards also.  Some academic and trophies from dance.

She was able to borrow several easels from the school to use for other pieces.

Ignore that poor little top cake.  It was HOT and wanted to melt. :)

I forgot to take pictures of the whole cupcake stand when it was full. Obviously.

The dress that went from idea, to painting, to reality.

Here are "the girls."  5 life size paper dolls she did for a series combining fashion
and art.  They were placed around the house but difficult to photograph.
The last one is not paper.  It's a mock-up of the purple dress above.

A friend from class posed for the cutouts.  Sara traced her on cardboard then
we cut them all out. My husband made supports for all of them to stand,
and we spray painted them. They even have some styrofoam boobs and waists
so they have some shape.  Before they were "dressed" I placed them in front
of the living room windows. It looked hilarious at night. :)

I hope you enjoyed this little party tour as much as we enjoyed hosting it.
Sorry, we're out of champagne and hors d'oeuvres.
But at least you didn't have to wear the black tie.

If you have questions about any of the artwork you see, please feel free to ask.

Have a great weekend!

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